Before and Progress Pictures!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Blog for October 19th, 2010

Ok I had meant to blog sooner, but well, there's that thing called life. It gets in the way of everything! LOL

So I had someone ask me how my life is now that I've had gastric bypass, like a "In the Day Of..." kind of thing. So I'm going to attempt this the best I can and also give some background information on my experience with gastric bypass.

I had absolutely NO complications from my surgery. I had other things happen (I developed kidney stones and I threw out my back) but nothing that was in relation to my surgery. The worst thing that happened to me in association to my surgery is that I somehow got plantar faciitis in my left foot. To this day, my doctor still has no idea how that happened! I just walked it off and in a few weeks it was gone!

I know everyone has heard of at least one person who has had gastric bypass and has a hard time keeping food town, tolerating food, etc. I am not that person. LOL I haven't found anything I can't tolerate and have only gotten sick a few times. I'm really lucky to not have the problems that I could have had. I do really think it's because I educated myself about fitness and nutrition before my surgery. That has helped me more than you know! Even to this day, I still track my food intake on It's so important to know what you're taking in. It's so easy to mindlessly eat, especially after surgery, so I make it a point to track. I also choose to eat on little plates, that way I feel like I'm eating a "normal" sized meal, even though I'm not. Another thing is to seriously listen to your body and eat slow! If you can't take another bite, don't because it can lead to feeling sick. I cook pretty much all my meals, I rarely go out to eat. For me, there's no point. I will sometimes, and I can drink alcohol as well, but it's a rarity for me as I absorb it very quickly due to the surgery. However, you CAN eat junk after surgery, and I found myself not so much always eating junk, but not eating as well as I should. So on Monday, I started a detox. It's going very well!

Another thing that is so important is that you exercise. The surgery can't do it all, you really need to do your part. I currently do Zumba at least 5 days a week and take a body sculpting class as well. However I do plan to up that. I want to do additional cardio 2-3 days a week and do the body sculpting another day a week. It does take time though. Start small and keep increasing your intensity, time, whatever and you will get there!!!

So I think that's all I have on that topic today. if you have any questions, feel free to post them and I will answer the best I can!

So some upcoming topics I plan to blog about are:
Organic vs. Processed Food
The Importance of Exercise and Strength Training
Weight Loss in General

If you have any other ideas for blog topic, feel free to post them in the comments section

Have a happy, healthy day!

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